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minute aloe beverage in tin, canned aloe dice, aloe flesh, minute aloe beverage in bottle, aloe dice, microbiocides
Aloe dice
Ingredients: fresh aloe dice, pure water, white granulated sugar, citric acid, honey.
Instructions for eat: eat it directly, refrigerate it for better taste, use it in dessert or salad, or make soup with it.
Distinguishing features of the product: green food, low-sugar, content of aloe dice≥60%.
Canned aloe dice
Ingredients: fresh aloe dice, pure water, white granulated sugar, citric acid, honey.
Instructions for eat: eat it directly, refrigerate it for better taste, use it in dessert or salad, or make soup with it.
Distinguishing features of the product: American style package for convenient carry, green food, low-sugar, content of aloe dice≥60%.
Aloe flesh
Ingredients: aloe flesh, pure water.
Instructions for eat: shred, slice or dice it, and then make it into cold dish, hot pot, soup, or stir it with meat, vegetables such as carrot, cucumber, kelp.
Distinguishing features of the product: fresh vegetable, low price.
Minute aloe beverage
Ingredients: minute aloe flesh, pure water, white granulated sugar, citric acid, vitamin C, essence, honey.
Distinguishing features of the product: relieving thirst, easy to bring.
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聯絡人:  Dapher.Liu
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國家:  China

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